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Research Finds Biomarkers May Help Identify... Research Finds Biomarkers May Help Identify...


"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects an estimated 7 to 8 percent of people in the United States, including many military veterans ...

0 Article-Article jplist-topic-HealthLine-com jplist-topic-Healthlne jplist-topic-Suicidal-Thoughts jplist-topic-suicide jplist-topic-Suicide-And-Addiction jplist-topic-suicide-prevention jplist-topic-Suicide-Risk 0 297837 297837 "Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects an estimated 7 to 8 percent of people in the United States, including many military veterans and sexual assault survivors. Compared to the average population, people with PTSD are significantly more likely to attempt suicide. Other mental health conditions have also been linked to increased risk of suicide, including major depressive disorder (MDD)."This article from Healthline sheds some light on suicide by describing how suicidal thoughts are formed and how to prevent them. Read the full article

Research Finds Biomarkers May Help Identify People at Risk for Suicide


"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects an estimated 7 to 8 percent of people in the United States, including many military veterans and ...

Suicide and Social Media: A Tipsheet for Parents... Suicide and Social Media: A Tipsheet for Parents...

Infographic from the American Association of Suicidology

AAS Mission Statement: To promote the understanding and prevention of suicide and support those who have been affected by it. Explore this ...

1 Infographic-Infographic jplist-topic-suicide jplist-topic-Suicide-And-Social-Media 0 297839 297839

Suicide and Social Media: A Tipsheet for Parents and Providers


AAS Mission Statement: To promote the understanding and prevention of suicide and support those who have been affected by it. Explore this ...

A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

"Effective suicide prevention is comprehensive: it requires a combination of efforts that work together to address different aspects of the ...

Web Page
Web Page
2 Web-Page-Web-Page jplist-topic-SPRC jplist-topic-SPRC-org jplist-topic-Suicidal-Thoughts jplist-topic-suicide jplist-topic-Suicide-And-Addiction jplist-topic-Suicide-And-Drug-Abuse jplist-topic-suicide-prevention jplist-topic-Suicide-Prevention-Resource-Center 0 297842 297842 "Effective suicide prevention is comprehensive: it requires a combination of efforts that work together to address different aspects of the problem. The model above shows nine strategies that form a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention and mental health promotion. Each strategy is a broad goal that can be advanced through an array of possible activities (i.e., programs, policies, practices, and services). This model of a comprehensive approach was adapted from a model developed for campuses by SPRC and the Jed Foundation, drawing on the U.S. Air Force Suicide Prevention Program."This article from lists several practices to consider when faced with a suicidal loved one.Read the full article

A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention

Web Page

"Effective suicide prevention is comprehensive: it requires a combination of efforts that work together to address different aspects of the problem. ...

Increase Help Seeking Increase Help Seeking

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

"Seeking help for a mental health problem is not easy. Individuals who are struggling with thoughts of suicide or other mental health ...

Web Page
Web Page
3 Web-Page-Web-Page jplist-topic-Seeking-Help-For-Suicide jplist-topic-Suicidal-Thoughts jplist-topic-suicide jplist-topic-Suicide-And-Addiction jplist-topic-Suicide-Help jplist-topic-suicide-prevention jplist-topic-Suicide-Prevention-Resource-Cente 0 297844 297844 "Seeking help for a mental health problem is not easy. Individuals who are struggling with thoughts of suicide or other mental health issues may face any number of barriers."This web page from clarifies how to seek help with suicidal thoughts.Read the full article

Increase Help Seeking

Web Page

"Seeking help for a mental health problem is not easy. Individuals who are struggling with thoughts of suicide or other mental health issues may face ...

Respond Effectively to Individuals in Crisis Respond Effectively to Individuals in Crisis

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

"Crisis services are an important part of a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention. Although the term crisis services is often used ...

Web Page
Web Page
4 Web-Page-Web-Page jplist-topic-Seeking-Suicide-Help jplist-topic-Suicidal-Crisis jplist-topic-Suicidal-Thoughts jplist-topic-suicide jplist-topic-Suicide-And-Addiction jplist-topic-suicide-prevention jplist-topic-Suicide-Prevention-Resource-Center jplist-topic-Suicide-Risk 0 297845 297845 "Crisis services are an important part of a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention. Although the term crisis services is often used to refer to hotlines or helplines, it also encompasses other programs that provide assessment, crisis stabilization, and referral to an appropriate level of ongoing care."This web page from offers a list of steps you can take to help a loved one going through a suicide crisis. Read the full article

Respond Effectively to Individuals in Crisis

Web Page

"Crisis services are an important part of a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention. Although the term crisis services is often used to refer to ...

Promote Social Connectedness and Support Promote Social Connectedness and Support

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Full Page "Social support and connection are key protective factors against suicide. Positive and supportive social relationships and ...

Blog Post
Blog Post
5 Blog-Post-Blog-Post jplist-topic-Preventing-Suicide jplist-topic-Suicidal-Thoughts jplist-topic-suicide jplist-topic-Suicide-And-Addiction jplist-topic-suicide-prevention jplist-topic-Suicide-Prevention-Resource-Center jplist-topic-Suicide-Support 0 297847 297847 Full Page "Social support and connection are key protective factors against suicide. Positive and supportive social relationships and community connections can help buffer the effects of risk factors in people's lives. Programs and practices that promote social connectedness and support are one element of a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention." This web page from explains how connectedness and support are important in suicide prevention. Access the page

Promote Social Connectedness and Support

Blog Post

Full Page "Social support and connection are key protective factors against suicide. Positive and supportive social relationships and community ...

Virtual Learning Lab: Campus Suicide Prevention Virtual Learning Lab: Campus Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Full Page"Suicide is a very sensitive, complex issue. So, effective prevention requires more than just one event or program. Preventing ...

Learning Modules
Learning Modules
6 Learning-Modules-Learning-Modules jplist-topic-SPRC jplist-topic-SPRC-org jplist-topic-Suicidal-Thoughts jplist-topic-suicide jplist-topic-Suicide-And-Addiction jplist-topic-suicide-prevention jplist-topic-Suicide-Prevention-Resource-Center jplist-topic-Suicide-Support 0 297848 297848 Full Page"Suicide is a very sensitive, complex issue. So, effective prevention requires more than just one event or program. Preventing suicide requires a deliberate, comprehensive approach. This online learning lab consists of different modules that can assist colleges and universities with setting goals, planning, and implementing effective suicide prevention programs and trainings."This learning module from describes the importance of suicide prevention on college campuses.Access the Virtual Learning Lab

Virtual Learning Lab: Campus Suicide Prevention

Learning Modules

Full Page"Suicide is a very sensitive, complex issue. So, effective prevention requires more than just one event or program. Preventing suicide ...

State Suicide Prevention Resources State Suicide Prevention Resources

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Full Directory"Suicide prevention efforts can have greater power when they move beyond a single organization to reach a whole community. ...

Resource Directory
Resource Directory
7 Resource-Directory-Resource-Directory jplist-topic-suicide jplist-topic-Suicide-And-Addiction jplist-topic-Suicide-And-Drug-Abuse jplist-topic-suicide-prevention jplist-topic-Suicide-Prevention-Resource-Center 0 297849 297849 Full Directory"Suicide prevention efforts can have greater power when they move beyond a single organization to reach a whole community. Find out what's going on in your state and consider ways to join with partners to have a greater impact."This directory from includes a list of suicide resources by state.Read the full article

State Suicide Prevention Resources

Resource Directory

Full Directory"Suicide prevention efforts can have greater power when they move beyond a single organization to reach a whole community. Find out ...

9 Things All Parents Should Know About Teens and... 9 Things All Parents Should Know About Teens and...

Article from SELF by Anna Borges

Anna Borges writes,"In an ideal world, no parent would ever have to think about watching their kid for warning signs of suicide. But the ...

8 Article-Article jplist-topic-Mental-Health jplist-topic-Parent jplist-topic-suicide jplist-topic-Teen 0 376920 376920 Anna Borges writes,"In an ideal world, no parent would ever have to think about watching their kid for warning signs of suicide. But the reality is, we need to be talking openly about suicide and suicidal ideation to reduce stigma and to keep children, adolescents, and young adults safe."This article talks about the increase in suicide among teens in the last decade and how to approach the subject with them to help prevent it.Read the full article

9 Things All Parents Should Know About Teens and Suicide


Anna Borges writes,"In an ideal world, no parent would ever have to think about watching their kid for warning signs of suicide. But the reality is, ...

Suicide Facts & Figures: Infographic Suicide Facts & Figures: Infographic

From the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

9 Infographic-Infographic 0 587844 587844 From the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Suicide Facts & Figures: Infographic


From the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

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